Holographic/Volumetric R&D Lab

After some brief interactions with volumetric & Holographic experts, there appears to be a scale limit at present with how large we can do a floating STL  model.

My idea is to have a near vacuum chamber filled with helium if required to minimize glass chamber weight and increase speed of sound to allow high frame rate 30FPS 3D images to exist. In this scenario we require a cross shaped rotating 2 panel system 36m diameter to spin up  to about 300 RPM.

For the simulation of lighter than air structures/buildings and airships especially on other planets, a responsive 3D display technology will be minimal to make investors feel secure that every engineering variable is visualized and crutinized in real time simulations factoring Earthquakes, wind and turbulance.

My idea of a space shuttle sized imager is still years away, in the mean time:

This year PhotonBytes will acquire the:

The Voxon VX1 – now available for purchase

For the pupose of RungeKutta Real Time Simuation:

from Voxon Photonics.


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